Design on a Dime | DIY Design: Friend or Foe?
As a small business owner, you wear many hats, and design might be one you’re tackling yourself. Platforms like Canva and Wix are fantastic for creating visuals, but let’s delve deeper and understand that effective design goes beyond just making “pretty pictures.”
Minimalism for Modern Business
In a world bogged down with a deluge of options, bombarded by a constant barrage of information, cutting through the noise has become an art form. This is where minimalism steps in, not just a design trend, but a philosophy with the power to transform your business.
Signs It’s Time to Rebrand Your Business
Determining the right time to rebrand is crucial, yet many business owners overlook the signals until they face significant challenges. Here are some key indicators that will help you recognise when it’s the appropriate moment for a rebranding endeavour.
Ethics in Design: Copyright, Plagiarism, & Inclusivity
In graphic design, creativity knows no bounds. But with great power comes responsibility. Let’s explore ethics: copyright, plagiarism, and inclusivity.